Where am I heading to? Where are you heading? What do I expect?I do not know who you are. Shall I track? I dont know. This is weird. I am just randomly typing. I updated this website for a very stupid reason and there are much less for you to see in this version. I am not sure how frequent I am going to update this page. I may rant occasaionally. Someone may find it out. Or it will never be discovered. Who would want to read such a long passage with this font on a supposedly artist / musician / portfolui page? I may take this down very soon. Ow I will forget about it very soon. It is late night now. I should sleep. What are you doing on this page? How did you stumble upon this weird place. Listen to my music if you have never.Again if you did. It is definitely not the best. Go check out local gigs. These all feels wrong. Why am I making weird indentation hoping it will be easier for someone to read and in fact it would just be an annoyance. ok I am ranting. This served as some kind of diary suddenly. I thought about making a website for my merches too but they are actually available on bandcamp so check it out if you so hopelessly read until here.Enter my website and find what you need.